Countdown to brace off: 54 days
Countdown to Rebecca landing in Chicago: 2 days!
Countdown to leaving RIC as an inpatient: 1 month
It looks like they extended my stay here until I solidify a lease for June, pending insurance approval. So that gives me a little more flexibility in finding a good place, at least.
I’m not going to do things in order today.
I had a group exercise at 11am.
Ellee and Kurt surprised me by showing up at 10am. I wondered what time they had left Louisville to arrive at that time and found out they actually got there the night before. Great surprise and great to see them - they’ll be here all weekend.
I found out my good friend from when I lived in Lexington, KY, Chrissy, and her wife will be here tomorrow, flying in from Columbus, OH. It’ll be great to see her and catch up.
Joe Riccardi and Brandon Sanchez from Park showed up for lunch today, as did the Lawson family who are old friends from Kentucky. They were in town. So it was a busy lunch but good to see everyone.
Also in the afternoon Rich and Big Dan showed up to say hi and hang out a bit before their respective travels. 
At 10am this morning I had PT with Sara. I have no idea why my dad took this pic:

That’s actually from yesterday when I was doing that electro-bike thing.
After the last couple days and my comments about feeling my hip flexor, she decided to do a muscle movement test. Basically I laid down on the table and put my legs in various positions, then asked me to try and move them. She would hold her hand to the muscle in question to see if she felt any movement.
Starting with the left leg, she asked me to pull me knee to my chest to test my hip flexor. Yes, there is hip flexor action there. Good!
Next she asked me to move my entire left leg left, testing the outside of my hip muscle (abductor). Yes, there is some action there, too! Surprise! Good!
She tested the rest of my left leg without any real results.
After my left leg she moved on to my right leg, starting with the same things. Hip flexor? Yes! Outside hip muscle (abductor)? Yes!
But wait… there’s more!
She then held my right knee up and asked me to kick. I didn’t feel anything happening but I was mentally kicking as best I could. Everyone watching my leg got all excited and I said, “What? My leg’s not moving so what is it?” They pointed out that the large tendon just below my knee was contracting. Sara said, “You have quads, Chip.” That’s when I got excited. That was totally unexpected.
Next she tested my foot toward shin motion. Nothing. However, she removed my sock and asked me to try again.
Sara: Do you feel that?
Chip: No.
Sara: Well, hold on… (lifts my leg up so I can see my foot). Okay do it again. Try to move your foot up to your shin.
At this point my toes moved up. That was a big deal for me. Really exciting. Then she said push them towards the floor, which I did and they moved again. Two separate muscle groups there.
Chip: Sara I feel something else in my leg.
Sara: Try and point your toe down again…. (feels my leg). You have some calf muscle there, too!
She then went on to test my groin muscle, asking me to pull my right leg towards the other leg. It actually moved. She said not only do I have some groin muscle but that it’s getting strong.
After all that she hung my leg from a rope and got me to move it back and forth to attempt to strengthen those muscles in various positions. I’ll post a video soon of that.
Lots of good surprises today! I was very encouraged and surprised by all the changes in my right leg. So was Sara, and so was Dr. Anschell when I told him later. He said it made his weekend.
Later on my dad and I went to Timothy O’Toole’s for dinner and to get a seat to watch the Blackhawks game. The handicap entrance to that bar included going down a long corridor leading seemingly nowhere, down a freight elevator full of garbage and getting out in the kitchen. Pretty fun experience, actually. We had burgers. Then Erik, Jason, and Paul joined to watch the game. My dad left but we ended up toasting a couple times to the day’s success. Everyone was in high spirits.

Great day. Thank you Lord. Tomorrow (today, technically… as it is 12:30am) Rebecca starts the journey from Africa. Please pray for her safe travels.
Thank you, Lord, for what you’ve done for me. Thank you Lord for what you’re doin’ now. Thank you Lord for every little thing. Thank you Lord, for you made me sing. Sing along, sing along… - Bob Marley
G’night all, and thank you for the prayers.