Yesterday was both a year since my accident and 41 years since my parents got married. Happy anniversary, mom and dad! It’s safe to say that this year their anniversary was considerably better than last year, when they got a call saying I had been badly hurt in an accident. Sorry about that.
I’m working on a video compilation that will show where I am at the 12 month mark, both for my own journalling and so that other SCIs can see what they might expect. Hopefully I’ll have it up in a week or so.
Here’s where things stand right now. I can:
- Walk up stairs with my right leg
- Walk down stairs with both legs, but much better with my right
- Shuffle along precariously with no assistance for about 10 or 20 feet before I’m completely exhausted
- Walk slightly less precariously with one cane for 20 feet
- Walk 50 feet with one crutch
- Easily walk with two canes
- Very easily walk with two forearm crutches (average about 1mph for long distances)
The latest is both the using of one cane and also that I can stand up from a seated position by kind of pushing off of the seat. It’s not at all smooth and multiple people have said it looks like I’m dancing, but I can do it.
I don’t know why they call it an anniversary when it’s a year after the accident. Some people celebrate it I guess. They celebrate the fact that they didn’t die that day. I prefer to be a bit more of a realist, apparently. I do thank God for all the progress I have made and that I didn’t die that day. But I’m not sure it’s worthy of celebrating. To me it’s kind of grabbing at straws. Like, “Yeah, your life is hard as heck, but at least you didn’t die!” Okay… YAY! Haha…
I’m sure it wasn’t on purpose, but RIC somehow was able to have a mailer featuring me sent out to a bunch of donors (I’m guessing) that ended up arriving yesterday, on my year anniversary.

I like the part about writing down goals. I didn’t know they were going to do this so it was a nice surprise.
I will work on the video and post sometime soon, if I can figure out iMovie on my Mac.
Dear Lord, please fill me with Your Holy Spirt. Please be with those in my family that are injured right now. Heal them. Please heal Tyler, Jayme, Tony, Joey, Juan and all the other guys (and girl) in wheelchair basketball, Adam and the folks in handcycling, Feranmi, and everyone else that needs Your help. Please be with the Partin family as they grieve Rob Sr. He left a big hole in this world. Please help us understand Your will so that we can follow it. Please guide me in all my decisions in this difficult and incredible life. Help me to glorify you. Give me wisdom. Give me strength. Give me perseverance. Use my life as You see fit. I love you. Repaying your debt is a hopeless endeavor and yet I will do my best, anyway. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Okay I’m off to work! God bless you all.