Sunday, 28 September 2014

How a Car Hit Me (again...)

Greetings from Seattle.  

Considering I sold out of the Papa John’s business almost three months ago, I am considerably busy.  I’d say that’s a good thing.  I hate the days when at about 8pm I realize all I’ve done is washed the dishes, taken Tucky out a few times and caught a couple episodes of a new show.  Or days when the most exciting thing is deciding what to cook for dinner.  So we’ve been trying to avoid that and have become fairly busy as a result.

Right now I’m in a really cool place called Zoka Coffee in Seattle, Washington.  Coffee shops are everywhere here.  I am guessing it’s because coffee goes well with light, drizzling rain.  The area is really cool, though.  Everyone is laid back and there are plush green trees everywhere (again, probably from that misty rain).  We are here visiting Rebecca’s sister Deborah, saying hi to a couple other friends, then heading on to Oregon to check it out.  Last night Deborah had a party at her place where I met some of the Brooks Beasts team and some of her other friends here.  We did this a few months ago with Colorado.  Just looking for a place that we really like as we consider the next step in life.  

A few days ago Rebecca took the GMAT and I took the GRE.  Might as well keep our options open, right?  She is thinking of getting her MBA and I… well it’s nice to have options.  Studying for that took a decent amount of time.  

We are also researching non-profits and thinking of ways of impacting the world for the better.  This injury has refocused my desires quite a bit.  I think for Rebecca, as well.  Life is short and we should all be figuring out ways to make a real difference.  If you just create wealth for yourself and pad your bank account, and then you die, what have you accomplished, really?  Right?

Physically, I’ve been training for SkyRise Chicago, again.  Here is the link if you feel like donating towards the cause -

The cool part is that a photo of me finishing from last year is on the web site’s main page for 2014.  A few people I know have debated on climbing and then decided to do it after considering how much harder it is for me.  My parents, mainly, and also Leslie from my apartment’s office.  We are climbing on a team with my friend Mark Block, who has had TWO spinal cord injuries and a brain injury.  He is a champ.  My friends Mark Stephan and Shannon Giblin are climbing again, too.  Should be a good time.  I’m going to try and destroy my time from last year of 70 floors in 5:15 (yes, 5 hours and 15 minutes), and do all 103 floors in under 5 hours - under 4 is my stretch goal.  I’m way faster than last year.  When I get to the top of the building, instead of having a walker waiting for me to get to the elevator and start over, I just use one crutch with the other hand on the wall to walk.  So things have improved considerably.  

The more exciting event from recent weeks was the long bike ride I joined with Rebecca.  The Evanston Century Ride.  There were several routes for 25, 50, 62, and 100 miles.  Initially I wanted to go for 100 but my butt hurts if I go for a long time (less padding back there now…) so we opted for the 50 miler.  It was really awesome to be biking that far and that fast.  I wish I had some pictures.  Anyway this is the model of handcycle I own, largely funded by Challenged Athletes Foundation (thank you!).  Mine is Kentucky Blue, though.


As you can see, it rides pretty low.  About 42 miles in, we were pushing through a residential area for the 100th time and a nice older lady in a newer Cadillac decided to pull out of her driveway just as I passed, crushing my bike and drilling me into the other lane, into oncoming traffic.  She just didn’t see me.  After being scared out of my mind for a few seconds, I got one of the witnesses to flip me upright, then two of them helped me out of the bike.  The interesting part is that the nature of the bike requires me to be strapped in, so I didn’t fall off/out when it flipped over.  I think that actually was a good thing and prevented her from running me over.

Someone called 911 and in minutes I was surrounded by an ambulance, fire truck, and police cruiser.  All I could think of was, “I hope I won’t be billed for that.” At first I was worried that Louie was crushed in the impact but he was just a little bruised.  I was totally fine.  The lady was more emotionally scarred than I was.  She insisted on bringing me a blanket to keep me warm, some coffee, some chocolate and fortune cookies, which she said she got from “the Chinese”.  She was really sweet.  

Considering that it was extremely similar to how I was hurt about 18 months ago, it really seemed like nothing in comparison.  Rebecca and I were laughing on the way home.  There were 2500 people riding in the event and I was one of two that were hurt.  What are the chances?  Am I magnet for cars?  It seemed like every car wanted to hit us on the way home.  Maybe something was in the air.  Maybe the world is out to get me.  Who knows?  Who cares??? 

Anyway I thought you would like that story.  

Dear Lord, please fill us with Your Holy Spirit.  Let us be healthy, positive, and don’t let us forget You in all we do.  Give us peace and guidance, wisdom, strength, and courage to pursue things in life that will glorify and please You.  Don’t let me or anyone else forget that we are nothing without You.  I can celebrate in accomplishments only because it is the fulfillment of the potential which you gave me, and no other reason.  Please be with all my friends and family.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Have a good one,
